InTDS ArchivebyFrank LiangOptimization Techniques — Simulated AnnealingA popular method for optimizing model parametersApr 21, 20205Apr 21, 20205
InTDS ArchivebyHDA Practical Guide to Interpreting and Visualising Support Vector MachinesOften considered ‘Black Boxes’. In this article we cover techniques to visualise learned SVM models and performance on real world data.Jan 12, 20192Jan 12, 20192
InTDS ArchivebyWei-Meng LeeTuning the Hyperparameters of your Machine Learning Model using GridSearchCVLearn how to use the GridSearchCV function in sklearn to optimize your machine learning modelOct 20, 20212Oct 20, 20212
InTDS ArchivebyRukshan PramodithaValidation Curve Explained — Plot the influence of a single hyperparameterPlot with less code! Save time to interpret it!Mar 13, 20211Mar 13, 20211
InTDS ArchivebyValentina AltoNeural Networks: parameters, hyperparameters and optimization strategiesNeural Networks (NNs) are the typical algorithms used in Deep Learning analysis. NNs can take different shapes and structures…Jul 5, 20191Jul 5, 20191
InTDS ArchivebyKSV MuralidharLearning Curve to identify Overfitting and Underfitting in Machine LearningThis article discusses overfitting and underfitting in machine learning along with the use of learning curves to effectively identify…Feb 9, 20213Feb 9, 20213
InTDS ArchivebyEdward KruegerPre-Pruning or Post-PruningLearn how and when to Pre-Prune a Decision Tree in PythonJul 29, 2021Jul 29, 2021
InAnalytics Vidhyabyakhil anandPost-Pruning and Pre-Pruning in Decision TreeWhat is pruning ?Dec 10, 20201Dec 10, 20201
InTDS ArchivebyPracticus AIA Guide to Decision Trees for Machine Learning and Data ScienceDecision Trees are a class of very powerful Machine Learning model cable of achieving high accuracy in many tasks while being highly…Nov 30, 20188Nov 30, 20188
InTDS ArchivebyDima Shulga5 Reasons why you should use Cross-Validation in your Data Science ProjectsCross-Validation is an essential tool in the Data Scientist toolbox. It allows us to utilize our data better. Before I present you my five…Sep 27, 20182Sep 27, 20182
InTDS ArchivebyRukshan Pramodithak-fold cross-validation explained in plain EnglishFor evaluating a model’s performance and hyperparameter tuningDec 19, 20201Dec 19, 20201
InTDS ArchivebyIvo Bernardo5 Decision Tree Hyperparameters to Enhance your Tree AlgorithmsIn this post we will explore 5 common decision tree hyperparameters that may boost your algorithm performanceDec 21, 2021Dec 21, 2021
InTDS ArchivebySoner YıldırımHyperparameters of Decision Trees Explained with VisualizationsThe importance of hyperparameters in building robust models.Jul 28, 2020Jul 28, 2020
InTDS ArchivebyChristopher TaoHands-on Machine Learning in Python — Decision Tree ClassificationA completed workflow of implementing a Decision Tree ModelOct 12, 2020Oct 12, 2020
InTDS ArchivebyPhilip Wilkinson, Ph.D.Introduction to decision tree classifiers from scikit-learnNov 16, 2020Nov 16, 2020